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lcd club night

15th July 2024

Annual DF Hunt

In the

Welland Valley

Meet outside

The Great Bowden

Village Hall at 19:00

Paul  G1FJH

is the Fox and organiser for this years DF Fox Hunt


 1st July 2024

19:30 to 20:00

Meet on 145.275MHz FM

Net Controller

James G1JSP

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Last Updated

23rd June 2024.

Privacy Policy


GB7WV is our local DMR Repeater.  It's only licenced for low power, so due to it's poor altitude, the coverage is quite limited.  However, it does serve the local area quite well.

Repeater Information

Call Sign: GB7WV

Repeater Keeper: Colin Lowe (G1IVG)

Location: Market Harborough

Output Frequency: 439.6875MHz

Input Frequency: 430.6875MHz

Repeater Shift: -9MHz

Colour Code: 2

DMR ID: 235275

DMR Network: BrandMeister

Slot 1: 235275 (Local Chat)

Slot 2: Defaults to 2350 (UK Wide) but you can select your own choice of Talk Group.

How to Program an MD380

to connect via your HotSpot to GB7WV

by Paul G1FJH

There has been some changes to the settings you need in your DMR Radio in order to use the local DMR repeater GB7WV.  This has come about after I wanted to be able to link my DMR hotspot to the local repeater. This will be useful to other users if you're just outside the RF capabilities of the Repeater. For me, it means I can Monitor repeater activity or use the repeater from inside my house with a Handheld using my hotspot - Paul G1FJH

Here are the settings required for the DM380 handhelds code plug.
(Click the image for full size image).


(a) Firstly you need to create a digital contact  (highlighted in green) You can call it what you like I called mine "GB7WV Repeater".  Set the call ID of the repeater to 235275.

(b) Now you need to create a channel in your handheld or, if you already had a channel for the repeater, go in and modify that. The setting you will need to change is highlighted in Green "contact name". Click on the drop down list and you should see the contact that you created earlier, in my case "GB7WV repeater". 

(c) When accessing the repeater via your hotspot, it's also worth turning the output power to low to save battery life.

(d) If you are creating a completely new channel,remember to set all of the other options to match your hotspot and add the channel to one of your zones.

73 Paul G1FJH.